Dermal Fillers

Dermal Filler Treatments

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers can help to restore our skin to its former youthful, fuller appearance and treat signs of damage and ageing.

They do this by replenishing the levels of hyaluronic acid in the dermis layer of the skin. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring substance which is found in the dermis which diminishes as we age, and this is why wrinkles, folds and creases begin to emerge.

By plumping out the skin dermal fillers can effectively reduce the visibility of wrinkles.

They also boost the skin’s own hydration system and restore youthful volume by supporting the skin’s structure and working at a deep dermal level to delay the signs of ageing.

What can Dermal Fillers be used to treat ?

Dermal fillers can be used to treat facial lines, lips, facial contours and the skin itself, including:


  • Nose to mouth lines (naso-labial lines).
  • Marionette lines (lines that downturn the lower lip).
  • Perioral lines around mouth (aka Smoker’s lines).
  • Chin enhancement.
  • Cheek augmentation.
  • Lip augmentation (loss of volume, fuller, volumized lips).

What are the Benefits of Dermal Fillers ?

The benefits of having Dermal Filler treatments include:

  • Results can be seen instantly.
  • Dermal fillers can be injected into several areas of the face to give structure, definition and increase volume.
  • Uses Hyaluronic acid (HA) which exists naturally in your body.
  • Treatment can be tailored to suit individual needs.
  • Can be used with other aesthetic procedures to improve and prolong the results.
  • It is minimally invasive with very few side effects (if done properly!) and minimal downtime.

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